Friday, September 27, 2019

MathHammer App Review

Recently I was contacted by app developer Jacob Noble, to take a look over his new MathHammer app. He was kind enough to give me a free version of the app to review and being more than a little bit of a mathhammer nerd I was more than happy to oblige.  So, does this app deliver? Let's take a look.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Episode 30 - Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Competitive 40k

Episode 30
Hosts: Robert Chandler, Daniel Hesters, Red Powell

We are joined by The Worthiest Adversary, Red Powell, as we chat about the common pitfalls and mistakes players make in competitive 40k and how to avoid them.

Also we chat a bit about Iron Hands and the new Space Marines and how they will impact the meta as well as previewing upcoming events including our own Warzone: Come the Apocalypse GT.